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My First Agency Tour - Edelman LA

Having the opportunity to tour The Edelman Corporation felt like something pulled from a children’s fantasy book of “dreams come true”. Since declaring the major of Public Relations, my eyes have been focused on Edelman. This company is the top Public Relations and Marketing Consultancy Firm based in the United States and it has offices globally in Canada, Europe, Latin America, and more.

Starting the day off early, a small group of us from Biola PRSSA gathered in the car and headed off to the Edelman LA office. Driving through DTLA, the anticipation increased as the idea of the once in a lifetime opportunity to explore the #1 PR Firm in the world traveled through our minds. If that doesn’t speak excitement, I don’t know what would!

Entering through the Edelman elevator doors made this whole experience turn from dream to reality. This reality continued as we walked up to the window of a large conference room with a view of LA and the Hollywood sign. How does a conference room get better than that? Throughout the tour we learned so much about the company, both locally and internationally. The main Edelman offices are located in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, each of which provide excellent domestic opportunities.

One of the awesome characteristics that stood out about the company, was that they have amazing internship opportunities. Although Edelman is a very competitive company to work for, they do declare internships to qualifying students and graduates. Because of these internships, the individual has the opportunity of potentially becoming part of the Edelman team. Once completing their internship, the Edelman team will review the candidate for a potential job with the company.

Overall, the Edelman tour was one that I am so grateful I had the opportunity to experience. I was able to learn so much about the company, as well as see for myself what my future could potentially hold. Working in that kind of environment, like the Edelman LA office displays, is a dream in and of itself

and I now know that this company is what I will be striving for in my PR pre-professional Career.

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